Saturday, December 08, 2012

Choose your own Adventure

Birthday Girl, Hilary

My friend Hilary hosted a boozy birthday party for herself featuring drinking and mingling. As history would point out booze and people always make for an interesting evening and there was a lot of both. From a Burnt Zombie to a mixed Stalin, there were a bunch of drinks you could create. What made this party unique was a computer program to help choose the drink for you. The drink selection was presented in a Choose hour own Adventure format. A story on a laptop started you off in front of Toronto's Union station. As you read through the story you would be presented with options on what you could do (ie. head to the visible hot dog stand). Eventually your story would come to a conclusion and with it a drink.

My adventure took me to a hot dog stand ordering a hot dog and waiting for change only to be attacked by zombies. My drink? A Burnt Zombie of course. From the laptop story station I would then go to the nearby booze table with an assortment of various spirits and a convenient book on how to mix your drinks.

Assortment of Booze

There is a lot of rum in a zombie with a bit of pineapple juice. I mistakenly poured lime juice into my glass of rum instead of pineapple juice with a result that tasted like, what I imagined to be, battery acid.

Another concoction I had was cranberry with vodka, vodka with fluffed marshmallow flavor. The bitter sweet taste the artificial mechanical substance when down better than the battery acid but was, to lack a better description, weird tasting.

The small apartment with a narrow submarine like hallway connecting the living room to the kitchen as filled with a bunch of Hilary's friends. It was a fun night and lasted until just after 4am. 4am for me at least. There were still others lingering around.

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