Friday, October 15, 2010

Greta kicks off Fashion Week

Greta Constantine Spring Summer 2011

The season's fashion week, for me, was kick started by attending the Greta Constantine catwalk at 161 Spadina ave. While there have been other shows this week with other designers, designers that seem to be doing their own shows independently of LG fashion week, this was the first show I was assigned by our friends at FAB magazine.

I'm always impressed by this collection every season although this year the lighting was terrible in comparison to other shows. Why? Two color temperatures. Daylight background floods and tungsten foreground lights. The color of the outfits looked really strange from one photo to another. This stage lighting has become some what of a standard (sub standard) thing I'd expect at LG fashion week Toronto. So seeing this at the Greta show was a bit disappointing.

Lights aside, the clothes looked great.

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