Saturday, June 14, 2008

Shooting a comic strip

Darryl Gold and Derek Lang (me) in Lego Form.

I finished work on the paid gig and started work on a fun gig for Darryl. He's having a zine launch next friday and was taking in submissions with today (technically yesterday) being the last day to submit something. I thought I'd dust off the old Lego from the Macho Baby! short and make a comic strip.

Originally I wanted to shoot a photo novel for the magazine but that would have taken more time, money and setting up. With the Lego it was pretty easy to slap together a set and have props in a short period of time. At least I thought that would be the case.

While putting together a mini set to look like rural Ontario (in Lego form) I realized I had misplaced a bunch of my trees. I know I have more of them but what did I do with them? Did I pack them in some other box? Probably. Since I didn't have time to look for them I used the trees I had and moved them around randomly for each different angle.

The process was a bit time consuming but fun. I uploaded the final page early this morning.

For more info on the upcoming friday event go here.

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